While at Click Point, I designed a series of interpretive signs for the Cheyenne Wyoming Governor’s Mansion.  The signage describes unique architectural features, the laundry room — laundry through the ages, and the bomb shelter. 

Once a year CCRM throws a reunion for all of the families and babies they have helped to conceive. The event was held at the Central Park Zoo in New York City and the Denver Zoo. 

I designed an informational brochure for potential egg donors.  The goal was to communicate the steps required and the amount of compensation in a tasteful way. 

The client needed a series of rack brochures to describe services provided for all of it's subsidiaries and partners. These were distributed via mail to OB GYN offices and at seminars and events for potential patients.

A system of way-finder informative signs along the walking trail of the old South Pass City mining camp.  The signs are an outdoor system intended to inform and direct visitors through the historic walking tour. 

CCRM requested a patient education website that would attract new patients and answer some basic questions on the process of in vitro fertilization. I designed a “journey” style animated adventure then sourced a parallax web developer to do the programming. 

These are examples of banner ad campaigns to spark interest for events, programs or just general awareness and include animated gifs.

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How I Work

As a full-time freelancer I work evenings and weekends so you can meet your deadline. My home office is located in Denver with reliable equipment and connectivity. If you are in the Denver area I can come to your office. On time, on target, on budget!